Whether you need help identifying mental health issues, proactively training your staff, or providing treatment, we support you across these three pillars of mental health prevention.
Through an initial consultation, we will work together to assess which pillar should be prioritized for your organization.
The return-to-work advice is the expertise of the company doctor, while the recovery process is our specialty. By maintaining close communication with your company doctor, we ensure a well-coordinated approach to your employees' recovery.
We are your all-in-one partner for identifying, training, and individually treating mental health issues. Together, we help create a mentally healthy workforce.
We’re large enough to offer top-quality services, yet small enough to provide personalized attention to every client. A personal touch is key to our approach.
No subscription models or purchase commitments. If you don’t need us, that’s fine! But when you do, we’re just a call away.
Because we are not bound by insurance procedures, we can act quickly. This is crucial for (early) mental health concerns. Within 48 hours, we get you started on your treatment plan, so you can get the help you need right away.
Genuine, person-to-person care. We focus on your recovery needs, not just diagnoses.
Your employer covers the reimbursement. This means we work independently of health insurance companies, allowing us the freedom to provide you with the best possible care.
Our psychologists are GZ- and NIP-registered, which means you will always be assisted by an experienced and qualified professional.
Employees can register via the orange “Register” button on our website. Alternatively, employees can register themselves. If a company doctor is involved, their contact information should be provided. You may also include a brief description of the employee’s situation during registration.
Intake procedure
The intake process begins with a phone pre-screening, typically within 48 hours, to ensure we’re the right fit. The employee will then complete an online diagnostic questionnaire to assess the severity of their condition. The intake interview with a psychologist will occur within two weeks.
Proposal & invoice
Based on the intake process, we will send you a proposal for one of our treatment programs. Treatment will begin only after we have received approval for the proposal. You will also receive the invoice before treatment begins.
Start of treatment
Once the proposal is approved, treatment can begin. The psychologist will introduce themselves and explain the treatment process to the employee.
Triad meetings
Throughout the treatment program, we offer the option of holding one or more triad meetings, involving the employee, the contact person, and the psychologist. These meetings are held only if they are beneficial for the recovery process.
When the employee is able to function independently and sustainably, the program is successfully completed. The psychologist will contact the company representative to discuss the results.
We value feedback and will reach out a few months after the program’s completion to hear how the employee and company representative experienced the treatment. For ongoing clients, we also conduct regular evaluations throughout the year.
We understand better than anyone that employee mental health is critical to a company’s success. Your business can face any challenge when you can fully depend on your employees. At Fast Lane Vitality, we offer a comprehensive approach to detect mental health issues early, provide preventive training, and deliver effective individual treatments.
If not, you can view the full FAQ here or contact us directly.
Fast Lane Vitality offers three treatment programs:
More information about the programs and their costs can be found in our brochure. The length, and therefore the cost, of a program is determined by the employee’s specific needs. During the intake, the psychologist will work with the employee to carefully assess their needs. Additionally, the employee will receive a diagnostic questionnaire. Based on the intake and diagnostics, we will provide a treatment recommendation, which translates into one of the three programs. This recommendation will be presented to you as the employer for approval.
Fast Lane Vitality strictly follows the guidelines of privacy legislation (GDPR). All information related to the treatment process is handled with the utmost confidentiality and care. This confidentiality is also outlined in our terms and conditions. Information is only shared with third parties with the employee’s explicit consent.
Additionally, we work with NIP-registered psychologists. The NIP’s professional code of conduct requires all psychologists to handle information in a confidential manner.
Fast Lane Vitality operates without waiting lists! Your employee can access our services immediately. Our mission is to provide fast and preventive support. We continuously ensure that enough intake slots are available by proactively expanding our team of psychologists throughout the Netherlands.
Fast Lane Vitality primarily offers face-to-face treatments, as we believe this allows us to deliver the highest quality of care. However, we understand that in some cases, face-to-face sessions may not be feasible due to special circumstances. Since every employee’s situation is unique, we offer tailored solutions, including online treatment when necessary.
Employees can be directly registered on our website by clicking the orange button in the top right corner.
After you register on our website, we will contact you within 2 business days for a phone pre-screening. During this call, we will assess whether we can adequately support your needs.
If your request for help is appropriate, you will receive a questionnaire via email. Your application will also be forwarded to one of our experienced psychologists for an intake interview, which will take place within 2 weeks of the phone pre-screening.
Advice & Start of Treatment:
During the intake interview, you and the psychologist will discuss a recommendation for one of our three programs. This recommendation will be presented to your employer in the form of a proposal. Once your employer approves the proposal, we can begin treatment immediately.
We primarily support employees who are overwhelmed, stressed, or experiencing a burnout. These issues can stem from various causes and manifest as physical, mental, or social/emotional complaints. We collaborate with experienced psychologists who, equipped with a diverse set of tools, are capable of addressing a wide range of concerns.
Our specialization lies in preventing long-term absenteeism, with reintegration being the main focus of our approach. We believe that functioning well and healthily at work is an integral part of overall well-being in life.
If there are psychiatric issues, an active addiction, or if a physical condition is the primary concern, we may not be the best fit for your employees. Fast Lane Vitality also does not provide mediation for (employment) conflicts.
Fast Lane Vitality has treatment locations throughout the Netherlands. There is always a psychologist available within a 30-minute drive from the employee’s residence.
We work exclusively with highly experienced NIP-registered and GZ psychologists. This means that, as an employer, you can trust in the quality of the support you are accessing.
Fast Lane Vitality offers support in both Dutch and English.
Feel free to reach out to Bob Caris, the founder and director of Fast Lane Vitality. You can contact Bob at phone number 06-1362 2140. If you prefer to send an email, you can reach him at bob.caris@fastlanevitality.nl.
© 2025
Dit aanmeldformulier is de eerste stap naar spoedig herstel. We vragen geen medische gegevens in dit formulier en zullen alle informatie volgens de hoogste privacy standaarden behandelen. Als er nog geen arbodienst in beeld is kun je deze stap overslaan. Vul het formulier zo volledig mogelijk in. Wij staan in de startblokken om de best mogelijke zorg te leveren.
This registration form is the first step to a speedy recovery. We do not ask for any medical information in this form and will treat all information according to the highest privacy standards. If there is no occupational health service in sight, you can skip this step. Fill in the form as completely as possible. We are ready to provide the best possible care.
The intake interview is the first step in a process. It is extremely important that there is a good connection between employee psychologist. Fill in this form carefully and we will immediately start working to get everything going.
Fast Lane Vitality ondersteunt onze collega’s preventief bij het voorkomen van verzuim, maar zijn ook op curatief gebied een vaste partner. Fast Lane Vitality wordt door ons ingezet om collega’s met psychisch verzuim hun weg terug te laten vinden naar een duurzaam herstel. Er is geen wachtlijst, ze hebben een landelijke dekking en een duidelijke aanpak. Ook is er een goede samenwerking tussen hen en onze arbodienst. Voor mij als HR Adviseur zijn de korte communicatielijnen, de professionele aanpak, maar ook de durf om open te staan voor feedback en te willen blijven verbeteren zijn redenen om Fast Lane Vitality als provider te blijven verbinden aan onze organisatie.
Adviseur Verzuim & Vitaliteit – KPMG