Your recovery, our priority.

At Fast Lane Vitality, your well-being comes first. We are here to guide and support you in your mental health and recovery.

The benefits for you as an employee.

Our approach

We are here for you and together we will work towards your recovery.

With your psychologist by your side, you will explore what is required for sustainable recovery, step by step. Rather than looking for a quick fix, we focus on meaningful recovery strategies that will benefit you long-term.


You or someone from your organization can register for an individual program by clicking the orange button above. Always ensure that your organization is in agreement before submitting a registration. When you register, please feel free to add a short summary of your situation.


Within 48 hours, you will receive a call to discuss your registration and situation. This conversation will help us to make an initial understanding of your needs to ensure we are the right fit for you

Online Diagnostics

Immediately after the pre-screening, you will receive an email with our questionnaire(s). We kindly ask you to complete and return these before your intake appointment. This allows your psychologist to prepare thoroughly for your one-on-one conversation.



After the pre-screening, your psychologist will schedule an intake appointment with you. Since we do not have waiting lists, you can be assured of an appointment within two weeks. During the intake, two key aspects are important: establishing if you feel a match
with the psychologist assigned to you with your psychologist and mapping out your needs for help and recovery.



In this phase of the program, the psychologist will work with you to explore ways to recharge your personal battery. Self-care, acceptance, and stabilization are the top priorities.


Behavioral Change

As your battery starts to recharge, we will conduct a psychoanalysis To gain insight into which of your coping mechanisms are counter productive and contributed to your symptoms.. We will examine what experiences have influenced your coping mechanisms and beliefs. This exploration will allow us to refine and practice behaviors that foster recovery.


Reintegration and Relapse Prevention

Being able to work comfortably is an essential part of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. You will begin to apply the practiced behaviors in the workplace while gradually increasing your hours and responsibilities under the guidance of your company’s doctor. We will also reflect on your past experiences to help prevent similar challenges in the future.

Group 46


When your newly cultivated skill-set is properly integrated and enablesyou to sustainably ensure your personal well-being the Fast Lane Vitality program will come to an end. Of course, you can still check in with your psychologist afterwards if you feel the need.


Check out the locations where we operate.

Our psychologists are accessible across the Netherlands, ready to assist both employers and employees with mental fitness. No matter where you live or work in the Netherlands, there is always a Fast Lane Vitality expert nearby to support mental health.


Read the experiences of clients who have gone before you.

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Mary Scott
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Mary Scott
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Mary Scott
Thursday, August 31, 2017


Do you have questions? You’re not alone—check to see if your question is already answered in our FAQ section.

If you don’t find your question listed, you can view the complete FAQ here or contact us directly.

Fast Lane Vitality strictly adheres to the guidelines set by privacy legislation (GDPR). All information about you or related to your treatment is handled confidentially and with care. Information is only shared with third parties with your explicit consent, such as your supervisor or company doctor. Additionally, we work with NIP-registered psychologists. The professional code of conduct of the NIP requires all psychologists to handle information confidentially.

Fast Lane Vitality operates without waiting lists! You can get in touch with us right away. Our mission is to support you as quickly and proactively as possible. We continuously ensure there are enough intake slots available by actively expanding our team of psychologists across the Netherlands.

At Fast Lane Vitality, our treatments primarily take place face-to-face. We believe this approach allows us to provide you with the best support. However, we understand that this may not be feasible for everyone, especially in special circumstances. In such cases, we offer tailored solutions. Online treatment is also available.

Your treatment is directly covered by your employer. This means we are not restricted by health insurance companies in our treatment options. We do not require a diagnosis to begin your treatment, allowing us to start quickly and take proactive measures.

1: Pre-Screening:
After you register on our website, we will contact you within two business days for a pre-screening. During this call, we will assess whether we can adequately support your needs.

2: Intake:

If we established that we can adequately assist you we will send a questionnaire via email. Your application will also be forwarded to one of our experienced psychologists for an intake interview, which will take place within two weeks of the phone pre-screening.

3: Advice & Start of Treatment:

During the intake interview, you and the psychologist will discuss a recommendation for one of our three programs. This recommendation will be presented to your employer in the form of a proposal. Once your employer approves the proposal, we can begin treatment immediately.

Fast Lane Vitality has treatment locations throughout the Netherlands. There is always a psychologist available within a 30-minute drive from your home.

We work exclusively with highly experienced NIP registered- & GZ psychologists. As a result, you do not have to doubt the quality of the support you engage.

Fast Lane Vitality offers support in both Dutch and English.

Medewerker aanmelden

Dit aanmeldformulier is de eerste stap naar spoedig herstel. We vragen geen medische gegevens in dit formulier en zullen alle informatie volgens de hoogste privacy standaarden behandelen. Als er nog geen arbodienst in beeld is kun je deze stap overslaan. Vul het formulier zo volledig mogelijk in. Wij staan in de startblokken om de best mogelijke zorg te leveren.


Register employee

This registration form is the first step to a speedy recovery. We do not ask for any medical information in this form and will treat all information according to the highest privacy standards. If there is no occupational health service in sight, you can skip this step. Fill in the form as completely as possible. We are ready to provide the best possible care.

Register employee

The intake interview is the first step in a process. It is extremely important that there is a good connection between employee psychologist. Fill in this form carefully and we will immediately start working to get everything going.

Fast Lane Vitality ondersteunt onze collega’s preventief bij het voorkomen van verzuim, maar zijn ook op curatief gebied een vaste partner. Fast Lane Vitality wordt door ons ingezet om collega’s met psychisch verzuim hun weg terug te laten vinden naar een duurzaam herstel. Er is geen wachtlijst, ze hebben een landelijke dekking en een duidelijke aanpak. Ook is er een goede samenwerking tussen hen en onze arbodienst. Voor mij als HR Adviseur zijn de korte communicatielijnen, de professionele aanpak, maar ook de durf om open te staan voor feedback en te willen blijven verbeteren zijn redenen om Fast Lane Vitality als provider te blijven verbinden aan onze organisatie.

Adviseur Verzuim & Vitaliteit – KPMG