Vitality Check-Up

Never be caught off guard by sudden sick leave again. Gain insight into the mental well-being of your employees.

The Vitality Check-Up is our most preventive and fastest intervention. An effective assessment, a clear report with results, and a guidance conversation with our psychologist give your employee control over their employability and mental health.

The Vitality Check-Up makes you aware of the levers you can pull to become and remain mentally healthy.


Vitality Check-up process

The Vitality Check-Up process has been carefully designed. From the introduction to the results, here’s how it works:


Our psychologist will contact you for a brief instruction. Together, you will schedule a conversation to discuss the results.

Online questionnaire

Assessment through an online questionnaire. This allows us to obtain a clear picture of your stress profile.


Employees will receive our Vitality Report in an accessible and clear PDF format.

1-on-1 Check-up

The employee will discuss the results with the psychologist. During the check-up conversation, we aim to enhance understanding of the results.


The employee takes the lead. Implementing the new knowledge is crucial. If additional support is needed, it can be provided through our individual programs.

Control and Insight into the mental well-being of your employees

The Check-Up is quick, targeted, and effective. This brief intervention, consisting of an initial assessment followed by a one-on-one conversation, provides in-depth insights that can be immediately applied in practice.


The Vitality Check-Up is completely online, making it easy and convenient.


You will receive an individual report from your psychologist, tailored specifically to you.


We ensure that you receive concrete tools that you can turn into immediately applicable actions.


Discover the experiences of organizations that have gone before you.

"In our quest to respond even more proactively to absenteeism and employee well-being, the Vitality Check-Up came our way. There was already a great collaboration between Fast Lane and us, which opened up even more opportunities. This check-up, combined with our coaching model, aims to give us better control over the well-being of our people. Thanks to Fast Lane's flexibility, we can implement this tool in a way that suits us one-on-one. Additionally, the Vitality Check-Up provides tools for initiating conversations and building on them further. In my opinion, it’s an excellent addition when it comes to enriching your prevention and absenteeism model."


Check our other services

Training programs

Tailored Mental Well-Being Training
We have the expertise, and you have the training needs. Together, we create a customized training program that truly makes an impact.

Individual Treatment

Both preventive and curative. With a psychologist nearby and no waiting lists, we prevent long-term absenteeism and assist with recovery.

Aanvraag Vitality Check-Up

Wij komen zo snel mogelijk bij je op de lijn voor verdere afstemming.

Brochure Vitality Check-Up

Wij komen zo snel mogelijk bij je op de lijn voor verdere afstemming.

Medewerker aanmelden

Dit aanmeldformulier is de eerste stap naar spoedig herstel. We vragen geen medische gegevens in dit formulier en zullen alle informatie volgens de hoogste privacy standaarden behandelen. Als er nog geen arbodienst in beeld is kun je deze stap overslaan. Vul het formulier zo volledig mogelijk in. Wij staan in de startblokken om de best mogelijke zorg te leveren.


Register employee

This registration form is the first step to a speedy recovery. We do not ask for any medical information in this form and will treat all information according to the highest privacy standards. If there is no occupational health service in sight, you can skip this step. Fill in the form as completely as possible. We are ready to provide the best possible care.

Request Check-up

We will contact you as soon as possible for further coordination.

BrochureVitality Check-Up

We will contact you as soon as possible for further coordination.

Register employee

The intake interview is the first step in a process. It is extremely important that there is a good connection between employee psychologist. Fill in this form carefully and we will immediately start working to get everything going.

Fast Lane Vitality ondersteunt onze collega’s preventief bij het voorkomen van verzuim, maar zijn ook op curatief gebied een vaste partner. Fast Lane Vitality wordt door ons ingezet om collega’s met psychisch verzuim hun weg terug te laten vinden naar een duurzaam herstel. Er is geen wachtlijst, ze hebben een landelijke dekking en een duidelijke aanpak. Ook is er een goede samenwerking tussen hen en onze arbodienst. Voor mij als HR Adviseur zijn de korte communicatielijnen, de professionele aanpak, maar ook de durf om open te staan voor feedback en te willen blijven verbeteren zijn redenen om Fast Lane Vitality als provider te blijven verbinden aan onze organisatie.

Adviseur Verzuim & Vitaliteit – KPMG

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