
The best psychologists at your fingertips. Your organization’s mental health is our priority. Register an employee.

With us, there are no waiting lists and no diagnoses – always close by. We are ready to provide quick and effective support for any potential or existing mental health issues among your employees. Together, we work towards a mentally healthy team that can handle any challenge.

Mental care without worries. Fast and effective. That’s our promise.

Fast Lane Vitality minimizes mental and stress-related issues among your employees.

Every process begins with a phone pre-screening to determine the best fit for your needs. After that, we send out our diagnostic questionnaires online for the intake interview. This conversation with the psychologist follows promptly. Based on this intake procedure, we recommend one of our three treatment paths.

Fast Lane Preventive

Our shortest program, often the best fit when the issue is less complex and energy levels are sufficient.

Fast Lane Pro

Our middle pathway what we use the most. Appropriate for most assistance and recovery needs.

Fast Lane Extra

Our longest program, for situations where more recovery is needed in both energy and behavior.

Preventive when possible, curative when necessary.

Why wait until an employee is overwhelmed with serious issues? We are at our best when engaged preventively. With relatively few sessions, we can achieve excellent treatment results.

Many have gone before you. Read about how they experienced their journeys.

"Fast Lane Vitality came at exactly the right time for me. I was still working full-time, but I noticed that stress was starting to take over. Fast Lane Vitality helped me regain control. I made some adjustments both in my personal life and at work, which allowed me to regain control over my health. I didn’t burn out and now have the tools to maintain a healthy stress level."

Team Leader

"Two weeks after my sick leave, I started a program with Fast Lane Vitality. Due to my lack of energy and apathy, I wasn’t eager to return to work right away. Together with my psychologist, I focused on what was possible, which was to work a few hours. In the end, this helped ensure that the threshold for returning to work didn’t become too high. I gained insight into and control over my own behavioral patterns. I will carry this with me forever."

Senior Fiscalist

"I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience with Fast Lane Vitality. I had a wonderful coach who knew exactly how to pinpoint the core issues. The psychologist challenged me to 'better' myself. She held up a mirror for me, but in a way that gave my self-confidence a real boost."

Training Officer

“It was great. The psychologist adapted to my personal situation and needs very well. She gave me great support and helped me focus on the right things. She really kick-started my recovery. She had an integrated approach. We didn’t only talk but also used tailored exercises fitted for my situation. Psychologist had a good understanding about personal things that were going on in my life.”


Check our other services

Vitality Check-up

Our most preventive service to detect impending absenteeism early. Don’t be surprised by unexpected sick leaves anymore. Strengthen the colleagues who are doing well.

Training programs

Customized Mental Well-Being Training. We have the expertise, and you have the training needs. Together, we will create tailored training that truly makes an impact.

Medewerker aanmelden

Dit aanmeldformulier is de eerste stap naar spoedig herstel. We vragen geen medische gegevens in dit formulier en zullen alle informatie volgens de hoogste privacy standaarden behandelen. Als er nog geen arbodienst in beeld is kun je deze stap overslaan. Vul het formulier zo volledig mogelijk in. Wij staan in de startblokken om de best mogelijke zorg te leveren.


Fast Lane Preventief

  • Pre-screening
  • Diagnostiek
  • Intake Gesprek
  • Telefonische opstart met contactpersoon
  • 5 Individuele gesprekken (60min)
  • Max 1 driegesprek (30min)
  • Telefonische afronding met contactpersoon
  • Werkboek

Fast Lane Pro

  • Pre-screening
  • Diagnostiek
  • Intake Gesprek  
  • Telefonische opstart met contactpersoon
  • 8 Individuele gesprekken (60min)  
  • Max 2 driegesprekken  (30min)
  • Telefonische afronding met contactpersoon
  • Werkboek
  • Nazorg plan

Fast Lane Extra

  • Pre-screening
  • Diagnostiek
  • Intake Gesprek
  • Telefonische opstart met contactpersoon
  • 12 Individuele gesprekken (60min)  
  • Max 3 driegesprekken (30min)
  • Telefonische afronding met contactpersoon
  • Werkboek
  • Nazorg plan   

Brochure Behandeling

Wij komen zo snel mogelijk bij je op de lijn voor verdere afstemming.

Register employee

This registration form is the first step to a speedy recovery. We do not ask for any medical information in this form and will treat all information according to the highest privacy standards. If there is no occupational health service in sight, you can skip this step. Fill in the form as completely as possible. We are ready to provide the best possible care.

Fast Lane Preventief

  • Pre-screening
  • Diagnostics
  • Intake Interview
  • Telephone start-up with contact person
  • 5 Individual interviews (60 min)
  • Max 1 three-way interview (30 min)
  • Telephone conclusion with contact person
  • Workbook

Fast Lane Pro

  • Pre-screening
  • Diagnostics
  • Intake Interview
  • Telephone start-up with contact person
  • 8 Individual interviews (60 min)
  • Max 2 three-way interviews (30 min)
  • Telephone conclusion with contact person
  • Workbook
  • Aftercare plan

Fast Lane Extra

  • Pre-screening
  • Diagnostics
  • Intake Interview
  • Telephone start-up with contact person
  • 12 Individual interviews (60 min)
  • Max 3 three-way interviews (30 min)
  • Telephone conclusion with contact person
  • Workbook
  • Aftercare plan

Brochure treatment

We will contact you as soon as possible for further coordination.

Register employee

The intake interview is the first step in a process. It is extremely important that there is a good connection between employee psychologist. Fill in this form carefully and we will immediately start working to get everything going.

Fast Lane Vitality ondersteunt onze collega’s preventief bij het voorkomen van verzuim, maar zijn ook op curatief gebied een vaste partner. Fast Lane Vitality wordt door ons ingezet om collega’s met psychisch verzuim hun weg terug te laten vinden naar een duurzaam herstel. Er is geen wachtlijst, ze hebben een landelijke dekking en een duidelijke aanpak. Ook is er een goede samenwerking tussen hen en onze arbodienst. Voor mij als HR Adviseur zijn de korte communicatielijnen, de professionele aanpak, maar ook de durf om open te staan voor feedback en te willen blijven verbeteren zijn redenen om Fast Lane Vitality als provider te blijven verbinden aan onze organisatie.

Adviseur Verzuim & Vitaliteit – KPMG

Thank you for your interest in Fast Lane Vitality!

Download the brochure via the button below.